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The Basic Law of the Macao SAR

2014年06月26日 20:04:45 来源: Macao government web

  Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

  Article145 Upon the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the laws previously in force in Macao shall be adopted as laws of the Region except for those which the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress declares to be in contravention of this Law. If any laws are later discovered to be in contravention of this Law, they shall be amended or cease to have force in accordance with the provisions of this Law and legal procedure. Documents, certificates and contracts valid under the laws previously in force in Macao, and the rights and obligations provided for in such documents, certificates or contracts shall continue to be valid and be recognized and protected by the Macao Special Administrative Region, provided that they do not contravene this Law. The contracts signed by the Portuguese Macao Government whose terms of validity extend beyond 19 December 1999 shall continue to be valid except those which a body authorized by the Central People's Government publicly declares to be inconsistent with the provisions about transitional arrangements contained in the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration and which need to be re-examined by the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region.